ConnectWise ScreenConnect
ConnectWise ScreenConnect
37 reviews
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Top ConnectWise ScreenConnect Features

What are the Best ConnectWise ScreenConnect Features?

Remote Support Features

  • Screen Sharing
  • Attended Access
  • Unattended Access
  • Remote Session Control
  • Multi-Session Handling
  • Session Pausing
  • Session Transfer
  • Co-Browsing
  • Swap Screens
  • Sound Capture
  • Remote Printing
  • Screen Blanking
  • Screen Locking
  • Remote Wake
  • Idle Session Timeout
  • Lock On Disconnect

Conferencing Capabilities

  • Audio Conferencing
  • Video Conferencing
  • Streaming

Chat/IM Management

  • Group Chat
  • Private Chat

Collaboration Tools

  • Annotations

File Management

  • File Sharing
  • File Transfers

Reporting & Analytics

  • Audit Trail
  • Diagnostic Reports
  • Authentication Reports
  • Session Reports

Data Management

  • Database Maintenance


  • Update/Patch Management
  • Policy Management
  • Agent Management
  • Centralized Console
  • Command Line Provisioning
  • System Diagnostics

Language & Speech

  • Multilingual Interface

Customizable Items

  • Custom Forms
  • Custom Branding

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Knowledge-Based Authentication
  • PIN-Based Access
  • One-Time Use Links
  • Session Management
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Password Management

  • Password Strength Check

Integration Options

  • APIs

Cybersecurity Features

  • Data Security
  • Encryption

After-Sales Service

  • Phone Support
  • Email Support
  • Forum
  • Training/Tutorial
  • Product Guide/Manual

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