ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall: Which is Best?

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall: Which is Best?

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall Best Overall: ConnectWise ScreenConnect

In our comparison of ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall, ConnectWise ScreenConnect is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

ConnectWise ScreenConnect Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
SightCall Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes


ConnectWise ScreenConnect Pricing
Remote Support One
per user / per month
Remote Support Standard
per user / per month
Remote Support Premium
per user / per month
Remote Unattended Access
per user / per month
SightCall Pricing
Price Range
Contact Us

* Vendor does not share prices.


ConnectWise ScreenConnect Features
  • Screen Sharing
  • Attended Access
  • Unattended Access
  • Remote Session Control
  • Multi-Session Handling
  • Session Pausing
  • Session Transfer
  • Co-Browsing
  • Swap Screens
  • Sound Capture
  • Remote Printing
  • Screen Blanking
  • Screen Locking
  • Remote Wake
  • Idle Session Timeout
SightCall Features
  • Screen Sharing
  • Attended Access
  • Unattended Access
  • Remote Session Control
  • Multi-Session Handling
  • Session Pausing
  • Session Transfer
  • Co-Browsing
  • Swap Screens
  • Sound Capture
  • Remote Printing
  • Screen Blanking
  • Screen Locking
  • Remote Wake
  • Idle Session Timeout

Pros & Cons

ConnectWise ScreenConnect Pros & Cons
  • ConnectWise ScreenConnect stands out as a remarkable program due to its ability to cater to a wide range of user demands through its robust support system
  • Its primary function is to efficiently share information and deliver concrete results through help desk assistance or collaborative feedback
  • One of the standout features of ConnectWise Control is its fluid and intuitive interface, which greatly enhances the user experience.
  • One drawback of ConnectWise ScreenConnect is that sometimes it may experience random disconnections if the Wi-Fi connectivity is not stable
  • Reconnecting can be challenging initially after such a disconnection occurs
  • In some cases, ending the session completely and re-inviting the user becomes necessary to establish a new connection.
SightCall Pros & Cons
  • High quality videos and pictures.
  • None.


ConnectWise ScreenConnect Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Since adopting ConnectWise ScreenConnect, we have experienced positive outcomes. The software's tools function exceptionally well in keeping our users satisfied with the support they receive. This platform has enabled our company to approach problem-solving more effectively, particularly when addressing the issues faced by our most engaged customers.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect stands out as a remarkable program due to its ability to cater to a wide range of user demands through its robust support system. Its primary function is to efficiently share information and deliver concrete results through help desk assistance or collaborative feedback. One of the standout features of ConnectWise Control is its fluid and intuitive interface, which greatly enhances the user experience.

While ConnectWise ScreenConnect offers great value, the price point is somewhat high. Although there are promotional subscription offers available, it's worth noting that the pricing tends to increase significantly by over 100% once the promotional period expires.

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

ConnectWise ScreenConnect effectively solves the problem of remotely accessing computers when physical presence is not possible or practical. With nine branches in your company and only a few IT employees, ConnectWise ScreenConnect allows your IT staff to gain access to computers in different locations without the need to be physically present. This capability has significantly benefited your company by resolving numerous IT-related issues across all branches without the need for costly and time-consuming travel. ConnectWise ScreenConnect has streamlined IT support, enabling efficient problem-solving across multiple locations, thus improving overall productivity and reducing expenses.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect provides a convenient and straightforward method to access another user's PC when they encounter issues they can't resolve on their own. It grants administrator access, allowing for efficient troubleshooting and problem-solving as long as the administrator password is available. This feature greatly simplifies the process of assisting users remotely.

One drawback of ConnectWise ScreenConnect is that sometimes it may experience random disconnections if the Wi-Fi connectivity is not stable. Reconnecting can be challenging initially after such a disconnection occurs. In some cases, ending the session completely and re-inviting the user becomes necessary to establish a new connection.

SightCall Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The application is great overall. Allows us to capture high quality images during a session that helps us save time with complicated tasks. The only issue we've encountered so far is when a session disconnects. We are forced to set up a new session rather than allowing us to reconnect to the existing session.

High quality videos and pictures

Inability to rejoin a session if it abruptly disconnects

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The fantastic platform SightCall has completely changed the way we handle field service and customer support. The ability to use augmented reality is revolutionary and has made problem-solving quicker and more efficient. Additionally, our agents and technicians have had little trouble with the platform, adopting it fast.

Augmented reality customer care and feature rich



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ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall: Detailed Comparison

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall Top Ratings & Reviews: ConnectWise ScreenConnect

In our rating and review comparison of ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall, ConnectWise ScreenConnect has 37 user reviews and SightCall has 14. The average star rating for ConnectWise ScreenConnect is 4.45 while SightCall has an average rating of 4.21. ConnectWise ScreenConnect has more positive reviews than SightCall. Comparing ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall reviews, ConnectWise ScreenConnect has stronger overall reviews.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall Best Features & Functionality: ConnectWise ScreenConnect

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Remote Support Features, Conferencing Capabilities, Chat/IM Management, Collaboration Tools, File Management, Reporting & Analytics, Data Management, Systems/Administrative, Language & Speech, Customizable Items, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Password Management, Integration Options, Cybersecurity Features, After-Sales Service. In our feature comparison of ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall, ConnectWise ScreenConnect offers more of the most popular features and tools than SightCall.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall Best Pricing: SightCall

In our pricing comparison of ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall, SightCall's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to SightCall's starting cost of N/A/month.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall Best Usability: ConnectWise ScreenConnect

Our comparison of ConnectWise ScreenConnect vs. SightCall shows that ConnectWise ScreenConnect scores higher in usability for meets requirements, learning curve, setup & support, quality of support. SightCall scores higher in ease of use, ease of admin, but ConnectWise ScreenConnect has the best scores overall for system usability.

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