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Survicate Overview

What is Survicate?

Survicate is a comprehensive user research and feedback survey platform designed to assist businesses in collecting and analyzing valuable customer feedback. With the goal of enhancing products and services, Survicate offers a range of features and tools to streamline the feedback collection process.

One of the key features of Survicate is its customizable surveys, which allow businesses to tailor questions to fit their specific needs and target audience. This flexibility enables businesses to gather relevant and actionable insights from their customers. Additionally, Survicate offers integrations with other tools such as CRM systems and email marketing platforms, making it easy to incorporate feedback into existing workflows.

For businesses looking to try out Survicate, the platform offers a 10-day free trial. This allows potential users to explore the platform's capabilities and determine if it meets their needs before committing to a subscription.

Survicate prides itself on its ability to deliver higher response rates compared to traditional survey methods. Through advanced targeting capabilities, businesses can carefully select which customers receive surveys, increasing the likelihood of valuable feedback. Furthermore, Survicate employs AI analysis to help businesses better understand survey responses and identify trends or patterns.

Users of Survicate commonly praise the platform for its ease of use and effectiveness in driving improvements for businesses. The intuitive interface makes it simple for users to create and distribute surveys, while the robust analytics tools provide valuable insights that can inform strategic decision-making. By leveraging Survicate, businesses are able to gather meaningful feedback from customers, leading to enhanced products and services that better meet customer needs.

In conclusion, Survicate is a powerful tool for businesses seeking to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and make data-driven improvements to their offerings. With its customizable surveys, integrations with other tools, and AI analysis capabilities, Survicate empowers businesses to collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback in a seamless and efficient manner.


Survicate Pricing

per month
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Survicate Key Features

Survey Management

  • Create Surveys
  • Share Surveys
  • Embed Surveys
  • Answer Piping
  • Survey Response Quotas

Workflow Automation

  • Automated Onboarding
  • Branching/Skip Logic


  • Email Alerts
  • Survey Reminders
Survicate Features Details

Survicate Media

Survicate Videos

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