59 reviews
WH Score

Aptean Pricing

How much does Aptean cost?

Price not provided by vendor
  • Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP)
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
  • Production Planning/Management
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  • Formula/Recipe Management

Aptean Top Pricing Related Review

Reviewed on 23 September 2019

A great cost-effective competitor

OnContact team has exceptional to work with. I'm very contented with the app execution in many areas. It has value for money, and the support it great too.

  • Ability to link with Outlook, and have tailored tie-ins with our in-house built CRM to port over the data, value for money, wonderful interface, many clicks to perform basic things, many customizable search alternatives and features, exceptional customer support,.
  • A worthless webpage port, poor Outlook connection especially on MS, any updates and new aspects are still included in the price, despite having many customizable search options and aspects, it's very programy in the language and execution making it hard for people who aren't computer literate to pick up.

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