
Top BI Trends for 2015

BI initiatives go beyond number crunching to deliver some surprising insights and results. Ever larger quantities of data are available about clients, competitors and collaborators, and any business that can truly handle this data and understand the patterns it contains can derive increased revenue.

Our new white paper forecasts the BI expectations in 2015, focusing on what users really want and cloud-based BI solutions, but also divulging advancement details in the following areas for the technology:

  • Coping with continuous data streams
  • Data security
  • Collaboration features
  • And much more!
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Business Intelligence (BI)

Does Google Have Something Like Microsoft Planner?

Does Google Have Something Like Microsoft Planner?

Read more about Google tools that can be used for basic project management tasks and see how those compare with the tools offered by leading project management software like MS Planner.
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