The Pros and Cons of Open Source Contact Center Software

The Pros and Cons of Open Source Contact Center Software

As businesses continue to rely heavily on customer interactions, the need for the best contact center software has grown tremendously. And while several proprietary software solutions are available in the market, open source contact center software is gaining popularity. This is because of the numerous advantages that it offers. This article will discuss the top advantages of open source contact center software and the drawbacks that businesses need to be aware of.

What is Open Source Contact Center Software?

Open-source contact center software is a type of software that is available to the public under an open-source license. This type of software can be downloaded and used free of charge, and the source code is available for anyone to view, modify, or distribute. Open-source contact center software can provide businesses with a cost-effective solution for managing their customer interactions, including inbound and outbound calls, email, chat, and social media.

Open-source contact center software typically includes features such as call routing, call queuing, call recording, analytics, and IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Additionally, because the software is open-source, businesses can customize the software to their specific needs, allowing them to create a contact center solution tailored to their business requirements. Businesses of all sizes often use these software solutions, from small startups to large enterprises, as they offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional contact center software solutions.

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Open Source Contact Center Vs Cloud Contact Center Software

Open source contact center software refers to software that is available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute its source code. These types of software are usually free to use and are typically maintained by a community of developers. An open source contact center software can be deployed on-premise or on the cloud, depending on the user's preference. On the other hand, cloud contact center software refers to software delivered over the internet from a remote server. The vendor manages and maintains the software, and users can access it through a web browser. Cloud contact center software is typically provided as a subscription-based service, and users do not need to worry about maintaining servers, software updates, or security issues.

The main difference between these two types of software is that open source contact center software offers more control and customization options since users have access to the source code. However, it requires technical expertise to set up and maintain, and users are responsible for managing their servers. Cloud contact center software, on the other hand, offers more convenience and ease of use, as users can access it from anywhere with an internet connection and the vendor takes care of the maintenance and updates. However, customization options may be limited, typically involving ongoing subscription fees.

Advantages of Open Source Contact Center Software

Open source contact center software can be highly advantageous for companies with the technical staff and support needed to customize solutions. Below are the top advantages of open source contact center software.


The primary advantage of open source contact center software is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike proprietary software, open source software is available for free, and businesses do not need to pay any licensing fees. This is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have limited budgets.

Flexibility and Scalability

Open source contact center software is highly flexible and customizable. Businesses can modify the software as per their specific requirements, and add or remove features as per their needs. This allows businesses to create a contact center that is tailored to their unique needs, without being restricted by the limitations of proprietary software.

Open source contact center software is highly scalable and can accommodate an increase in the volume of customer interactions to support a good customer service structure and experience. As businesses grow and expand, the software can be easily scaled up to meet their changing requirements. This ensures that the contact center remains efficient and effective as the business grows.

Transparency and Interoperability

Open source software is transparent, meaning that its source code is freely available to the public. This allows businesses to see how the software works and understand its functionality. This transparency also means that any bugs or vulnerabilities can be quickly identified and fixed, ensuring that the software is secure and reliable.

Open source software is designed to be interoperable, meaning that it can work seamlessly with other software applications, making it much more seamless for contact center workforce management. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that use multiple software solutions, as they can integrate the open source contact center software with their existing systems.

Community Support

Open source software has a large community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support. This means that businesses can benefit from the expertise and knowledge of the community to resolve any issues they may encounter. Additionally, the community often releases updates and patches that can improve the software's performance and security.


Open source contact center software provides businesses with customizable contact center reporting tools that allow them to track and analyze customer interactions. This allows businesses to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. These insights can be used to improve customer service and enhance the overall customer experience.

System Security

Open source software is often perceived as needing to be more secure than proprietary software. However, this is only sometimes the case. Open source contact center software is transparent, meaning any vulnerabilities can quickly be identified and fixed. Additionally, the community often releases updates and patches that can improve the software's security.

Vendor Agnostic

One of the major drawbacks of proprietary software is vendor lock-in, where businesses are tied to a specific vendor for support and upgrades. Open source contact center software does not have this issue, as businesses can receive support and updates from the community or any other vendor. This gives businesses more control over the software and reduces their dependency on a specific vendor.


Open source software is often at the forefront of innovation, with developers constantly improving and adding new features to the software. This ensures that businesses have access to the latest technology and features, without having to wait for proprietary software vendors to release updates.

Drawbacks of Open Source Contact Center Software

While open source contact center software can bring benefits to companies, there are some drawback to this technology that you should be aware of as you decide which type of contact center suits your business best.

Support and Documentation Limitations

One of the major drawbacks of open source contact center software is the need for dedicated support. While the community provides support, businesses may receive a different level of support than they would from a proprietary software vendor. Open source software often has limited documentation, which can make it difficult for businesses to navigate implementation and ongoing use without technical expertise.

Technical Requirements

Using open source contact center software requires technical expertise, which not all businesses may possess. This means that businesses may need to hire technical staff or outsource the development and maintenance of the software. This can add to the overall cost of using open source software and create downtime for inbound contact centers.

Integration Challenges

While open source software is designed to be interoperable, integrating it with existing software applications can still be a challenge. This can lead to longer implementation times and increased costs for businesses.

Open source contact center software offers numerous business advantages, including cost-effectiveness, flexibility, transparency, community support, interoperability, scalability, customizable reporting, increased security, no vendor lock-in, and innovation.

However, it also comes with drawbacks, such as needing more dedicated support, the technical expertise required, limited documentation, and integration challenges. Businesses need to carefully evaluate their requirements and weigh the pros and cons of using open source contact center software before deciding. With the proper planning and support, open source contact center software can be an effective and efficient solution for businesses of all sizes.

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