
Simplifying Manufacturing

The digitization of the shop floor is creating new connections and new data streams, and the need for responsiveness is more critical than ever. Organizations rely on ERP solutions to provide intelligence and insights to support real-time decision making, at every level and across every function in the organization.

With the right ERP solution, organizations can attain greater responsiveness, adapt more quickly to new requirements and respond quickly to new disruptive forces, opportunities and threats.

In this white paper, Epicor explains how the right ERP simplifies manufacturing and brings more responsiveness by:

  •  Avoiding complexity creep due to legacy ERP solutions
  •  Allowing better workflows at the strategic, operational, external, personal levels
  •  Simplifying deployment with cloud-based models

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Does Google Have Something Like Microsoft Planner?

Does Google Have Something Like Microsoft Planner?

Read more about Google tools that can be used for basic project management tasks and see how those compare with the tools offered by leading project management software like MS Planner.
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