Cloudera vs. iboss: Which is Best? - Wheelhouse

Cloudera vs. iboss: Which is Best?

Cloudera vs. iboss Best Overall: iboss

In our comparison of Cloudera vs. iboss, iboss is the best option with a higher overall Wheelhouse Score. Wheelhouse Score uses a combination of feature and pricing comparison data, average user ratings, and editorial reviews to score software vendors on a scale of 1-10.

Quick Info

Cloudera Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:All Sizes
iboss Quick Info
WH Score:
Pricing Score:
Feature Score:
Usability Score:
Company Size:Small Business, Mid Market


Cloudera Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.

iboss Pricing
Price Range
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* Vendor does not share prices.


Cloudera Features
  • Network Security
  • Data Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Web Security
  • Email Security
  • Gateway Security
  • Server Security
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
  • Firewall
  • Encryption
  • Filtering
  • Attack Surface Monitoring
  • Threat Hunting
  • Incident Triage
  • Incident Response & Remediation
iboss Features
  • Network Security
  • Data Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Web Security
  • Email Security
  • Gateway Security
  • Server Security
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
  • Firewall
  • Encryption
  • Filtering
  • Attack Surface Monitoring
  • Threat Hunting
  • Incident Triage
  • Incident Response & Remediation

Pros & Cons

Cloudera Pros & Cons
  • Helpful and supportive team.
  • Limited SaaS offerings.
iboss Pros & Cons
  • Easy to use, helpful technical support, and security control.
  • Granular rules can be challenging to set up and video tutorials aren't enough .


Cloudera Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Regarding large-scale Hadoop and big data projects, Cloudera is the best. Their system is amazing; they have great support that sincerely wants you to succeed. Their cloud game, though, needs improvement. SaaS offerings should be expanded, especially on AWS and Azure, to further establish their supremacy. Portability is a significant disadvantage; it is difficult to switch platforms later on.

Helpful and supportive team

Limited SaaS offerings

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

Regarding large-scale Hadoop and big data projects, Cloudera is the best. Their system is amazing; they have great support that sincerely wants you to succeed. Their cloud game, though, needs improvement. SaaS offerings should be expanded, especially on AWS and Azure, to further establish their supremacy. Portability is a significant disadvantage; it is difficult to switch platforms later on.

Helpful and supportive team

Limited SaaS offerings

iboss Reviews
Top Favorable Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The technical crew is really helpful, and the dashboard is simple to use and understand.

I would place iBoss' engineering goals and support on par with Microsoft Office 365 support in terms of quality. The entire system has unquestionably changed how we think about security and forward planning. The knowledge that is communicated so simply and with such clarity has truly enabled our team to concentrate solely on the requirements and preferences of our users rather than the details of the underlying programming. The one thing about iBoss that I don't like is how difficult it may be to put up the granular rules.

Easy to use, helpful technical support, and security control

Granular rules can be challenging to set up and video tutorials aren't enough

Top Critical Review
Reviewed on Jul 2, 2021

The technical crew is really helpful, and the dashboard is simple to use and understand.

I would place iBoss' engineering goals and support on par with Microsoft Office 365 support in terms of quality. The entire system has unquestionably changed how we think about security and forward planning. The knowledge that is communicated so simply and with such clarity has truly enabled our team to concentrate solely on the requirements and preferences of our users rather than the details of the underlying programming. The one thing about iBoss that I don't like is how difficult it may be to put up the granular rules.

Easy to use, helpful technical support, and security control

Granular rules can be challenging to set up and video tutorials aren't enough


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iboss Alternatives
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Cloudera vs. iboss: Detailed Comparison

Cloudera vs. iboss Top Ratings & Reviews: iboss

In our rating and review comparison of Cloudera vs. iboss, iboss has 10 user reviews and Cloudera has 12. The average star rating for iboss is 4.1 while Cloudera has an average rating of 4.08. iboss has more positive reviews than Cloudera. Comparing Cloudera vs. iboss reviews, iboss has stronger overall reviews.

Cloudera vs. iboss Best Features & Functionality: iboss

Cloudera vs. iboss both offer a strong set of features and functionality including Cybersecurity Features, Cybersecurity Protection Types, Reporting & Analytics, Application Management, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Data Management, Systems/Administrative. In our feature comparison of Cloudera vs. iboss, iboss offers more of the most popular features and tools than Cloudera.

Cloudera vs. iboss Best Pricing: iboss

In our pricing comparison of Cloudera vs. iboss, iboss's pricing starts at N/A/month and is more affordable compared to iboss's starting cost of N/A/month.

Cloudera vs. iboss Best Usability: iboss

Our comparison of Cloudera vs. iboss shows that iboss scores higher in usability for ease of use, meets requirements, setup & support, quality of support, ease of admin. Cloudera scores higher in learning curve, but iboss has the best scores overall for system usability.

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